I am always excited to go to a new church to see the various avenues of worship and congregating that different areas make use of. This past Sunday was one such day that I was able to attend a new church in an area that I had not yet been. Pastor Timothy and I were asked, although for different days, to come and speak at a church in Dagoretti. The pastor who invited us is a student at the
The church was a rather large structure, housing up to 300 people on a good Sunday. I suppose the numbers was slightly less than that but still a good strong body of believers who we found in full swing of worship when we arrived. The pastor wasted no time in introducing us and called up Pastor Timothy first. He said a few words and then called me up to share a few words. I did so and then he said he thought it would be a good idea if I were to bring the message. Fortunately, after such a situation seems to repeat itself, I was ready for his “delegation.” With that being the case, I shared a bit about the readying of the body of Christ for the soon coming of the Lord and the need to make the most of every opportunity.
After the preaching ceased, Pastor Timothy was approached by a woman who needed prayer. I thought that she was in bondage in some way or perhaps ill. They talked for about a half an hour and I later learned that she was asking for prayer for a husband. That was quite the unusual request in an African church but a legitimate one I suppose. When he finished speaking with her we were caught away to a small building nearby that housed tremendous amounts of food. They fed us tremendously well with a meal consisting of beans, rice, potatoes and more chapati than anyone could eat in a day. A cat belonging to someone was roaming the area looking for a dropped morsel as we were eating but having been dissuaded, fell asleep in the corner.
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